CHHA Reinstatement

Did you let your Certified Home Health Aide license expire? A reinstatement is for any Certified Home Health Aide with an expired New Jersey Certified Home Health Aide license that has expired less than five years from the present day. The reinstatement consists of a skill evaluation that will be given by an approved Registered Nurse. These are the frequent questions about Certified Home Health Aide reinstatements. If you have further questions, please call us today on (973)-900-9021

How can I get my certified home health aide license reinstated?

The process depends on the amount of time your license has been expired. If your license has been expired for more than five years, you must complete the Certified Home Health Aide training again. However, if your license has been expired for less than five years, a skills evaluation will be conducted with a registered nurse. The skills evaluations typically last for one-hour. Additionally, reinstatement dates may vary and are flexible.

What happens after the reinstatement skills evaluation?

Upon the skills evaluation completion, students will receive a New Jersey Certified Home Health Aide application (see below.) The admissions department will issue a promise of employment through HOA Health Care. Students will be instructed to complete a Certified Home Health Aide reinstatement application to initiate the students’ licensing process.

How much does it cost?

The total cost, including notarization of the application, evaluator, and employment opportunities with the agency, is $250. You may register for the Certified Home Health Aide reinstatement process at any time. Admissions will provide you with dates of when your skills evaluation will be.

What is the benefit of reinstating your certified home health aide license?

The benefit of reinstating your Certified Home Health Aide license is that you will be able to work as a Certified Home Health Aide in the state of New Jersey. Our training institute HOA Health Care employees all our graduates once the license process is completed with the New Jersey Board of Nursing.

You can begin the process by filling out a New Jersey Board of Nursing Reinstatement application here Certified Homemaker-Home Health Aides ( For additional questions on how to proceed, please contact our admissions department at (973)-900-9021– or email us at